Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pre-FYP Meeting 1.

9TH April 2009
Meeting objective: Brainstorming Ideas.


Robin started off the meeting, with his sharing of idea.
He showed us his sketch and ideas.
He showed us his sketch of the famous ancient greek sculptures, Venus de Milo; the Greek goddess of love and beauty.

The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze and marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin held in the Musée Rodin in Paris. It depicts a man in sober meditation battling with a powerful internal struggle.

The Statue of David, David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture sculpted by Michelangelo from 1501 to 1504. It came to symbolize the defense of civil liberties embodied in the Florentine Republic, an independent city state threatened on all sides by more powerful rival states and by the hegemony of the Medici themselves.

He was sharing how we can make the sculpture using the materials such as paper, tin can, cardboard box, aluminums and metal/steel as the exo-skeleton. It will be something like these, just that it will be in the shape of the sculptures,

And yes the use of these is that, it is not only aesthetically pleasing, each sculpture represents something, and it has usage, it provide lighting, below the sculptures are wardrobes or chest drawers made up of cardboard box and some bottles if I’m not mistaken.

Materials to look into: Paper, Cardboard box, Steel, PVC Glue, Light Bulb, Plastic Bottles

Some things to think about:
• How do we make the sculpture?
• We need to make a prototype first, ASAP!
• Is the sculpture going to be exactly the same of the original? Or is it just following the shape of the original?
Are the products easy to be move about?
Zila had the same idea of sculpture but hers, addresses the fact that, (usually the) telephone table does not match the seats, so her idea was that the sculpture would be in a position where, one hand is holding the phone while the other was for the user to sit on.
The “flaw” was how do we balance the weight? How do we support the weight of the user?
Zila then continued her idea of using the aluminum foil of a tin can and sew/glue it to make a basket or so. The idea was simple, changed the idea of tin can being use to hold drinks into something that now (the basket) can even carry the tin cans!

Materials to look into: Tin cans, aluminum, glue, thread, rope, wire

Some things to think about:
• How strong is aluminum?
• Will the aluminum rust?
• Is it safe for the users?
• How do we prevent these?
• Can the basket last for long?
Shahida’s idea was to use water pipe/hose those transparent one and then fill it with glitters and then wrapped it around a fluorescent light . To give like the lava lamp effect.
But the “flaw” was that, the glitter in the tube would sink. Robin then suggests to use gel. The idea of what to put inside the hose is not that strong and need to be further discussed and experimented. Basically what I see is that the idea was of changing what we see and use into something that can be used as a décor and yet functional.

Materials to look into: Water hose (plastic), gel, water, fluorescent light

Some things to think about:
• How do we make it twirl around it without making the plastic hose to bend?
• Will the heat from the light melt the plastic hose?
• What would be inside the plastic hose?
• How big will the lamp be? (Need measurements)
Are the products easy to be move about?

V’s idea was sharing his idea of making a multi purpose shelve using cardboard boxes. Something that is of do-able and simple.
He also suggested ideas such as a sculpture of T-rex and toys for kids to play.

Materials to look into: Cardboard boxes, PVC glue

Some things to think about:
• How to make the shelves strong and long lasting?
• How do we make it aesthetically pleasing?
• How big is the shelve going to be? (Need measurements)
Are the products easy to be move about?

I then shared my idea. Okay so basically, my idea was to just simply make bags, it can be made out of paper, and plastic hose as the handle. Making laptop casing out of cardboard boxes. Very simple ideas. That’s why I put more thought towards the exhibition and concept instead.

After listening to everyone’s wonderful ideas. I thought of having this cold dark black room, then having Robin’s lamp sculpture around the room, filled with Shahida’s hose lava lamp, V’s shelves holding Zila’s handmade bags alongside my handmade items. The room would then be lighted up with all the lamps. Giving this mix array of colors and emotions. Something like an Ikea show room kinda thing going on.

The concept of the exhibition:

Project lumiére

Lumiére stands for 'lights' in French.
People always see light coming from something that is beautiful, something of heaven-sent, just like an image of angel.
This project aims to let the world sees that there is light in everything, be it newspapers, wires, rags, cardboard boxes, things that people don’t usually pay much attention to, how some of us just under appreciate all these things, this project would let them see how we see beauty in everything.

Project lumiére showing beauty out of nothing.

Some things to think about:
Where will the exhibition be at?
How big will the exhibition be?
How are we going to set up?
Are these all do-able in such a short time?
Are the products easy to be move about?

We then further discussed on how the room would look like, we had more ideas coming in, ideas of making a disco ball out of cd-roms and a plastic beach ball, ideas of making a colorful lighted seat using plastic bottles and lights and cardboard boxes. (will draw a sketch soon of those ideas and upload here)